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KetoWhistle Capstone Project

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKa) is a serious complication of diabetes that occurs when your body produces high levels of ketones. The condition develops when your body can’t produce enough insulin to break down glucose for energy and begins to break down fat as fuel. This process produces high levels of ketones in blood which can also be translated to acetone in breath. Measuring acetone in exhaled breath allows for a non-invasive method of detecting DKa then finger prick tests which is currently the gold standard.

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Upcoming Deliverable: Audit 3


Audit 3 is the team's opportunity to demonstrate our final deliverables to our tutor and shadow team. The team will be showcasing the work completed on our KetoWhistle prototype and will also deliver comprehensive handover documentation to assist future teams in the development of the product.

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Scientist in the Lab

About The Project

The KetoWhistle project is being run as a part of the ENGN4221 course at the Australian National University. Teams of students work in conjunction with the Our Health In Our Hands multidisciplinary research project to develop a portable, non-invasive device capable of detecting ketoacidosis.

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Team Meeting

Our Team

We are a group of 3 engineering students with diverse interest and hobbies.

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The KetoWhistle Project involves many different parties, each with their own roles, interests and goals for the project. There are a variety of different relations between the different stakeholders, which must be managed in order to ensure the project is a success.

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Image by Leon


What the team is working to create.

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+61 401 014 361

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